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International cooperation is one of the most important elements of KAZGUU University integration into the world educational and academic area. At the University there is an International cooperation department which coordinates international activity contributing to the uprising of the level of educational and academic work, improvement of material and technical basis, strengthening reputation of KAZGUU University as a centre of education, science and culture, and raising its popularity abroad.
By now KAZGUU University has signed and implemented 60 efficient Agreements on mutual cooperation with the foreign universities in the sphere of education and science. KAZGUU University has currently established partnership with the leading HEIs of Russian Federation, the USA, Germany, the Great Britain, Poland, Netherlands, Turkey, Republic of Korea, Japan, Indonesia and others.

International cooperation department supports partnership with such organizations as OSCE, USAID, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNICEF, UNESCO, ICRC, DAAD and others. Strong cooperation was established with Diplomatic corps in Kazakhstan, state bodies of foreign countries and representatives of international organizations.
Main areas of KAZGUU international activity are as follows:

International academic exchange

Internships abroad

Visiting professors

KAZGUU Academic Diplomatic Club

International projects (Tempus, Erasmus+)

Our partners:

The strategic partner of KAZGUU University in the development of legal education is European University Viadrina (Germany)

European University Viadrina provides methodological support in the development of law and development programs. KAZGUU teachers pass internship at European University Viadrina on programs of academic mobility. In the future, universities will move to full harmonization of educational programs and introduction of double degree program.