“Problematic aspects of anti-corruption criminal law tools arsenal expanding” republican round table held at M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University

The round table was organized by the Department of Criminal Justice of the KAZGUU Higher School of Law (hereinafter HSL)

The Round table raised such questions as, an introduction of legal entities’ criminal liability (Mr. R. Nurtayev, PhD in Law, the HSL professor), prospects for criminalization of promises and proposals for receiving and giving a bribe (Mr. M.Kogamov, Phd in Law, the KAZGUU professor), a possibility of criminalizing illegal enrichment in legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Mr. S. Rakhmetov, PhD in Law, Ministry of Justice of RK).

The Round table was attended by scientists, teachers of law universities, judges, representatives of state bodies, law enforcement agencies, representatives of a legal community, as well graduate studies students. During the Round table, there was an active discussion of considered issues and recommendations for the current legislation improvement, which will be sent to the appropriate state bodies.

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