Регистрация/Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScbNn2BVmJZHinpxi4WCrMmlPkiNM2pGxYvJZDQhcVcq7aQ5Q/viewform?usp=sf_link

TheMobTrix was created for associations of dance lovers. Creative organization – aimed at developing dance skills among students. Organization for the development of dancing in all possible manifestations and directions. A variety of styles, the main styles are Jazz-Funk, Hip-Hop Choreo, Vogue, Contemporary, folk dances and others.

• Opportunity to realize oneself, reveal creative potential and charge with bright emotions in a separate dance team “TMT”. Where can you get the opportunity to represent the university as part of a team.
• The organization provides an opportunity to receive master classes in all directions every week.
• Battles, dance gatherings, parties and grandiose performances inside and outside the university.

TheMobTrix is infinity of development. Dance with us!
Insta: @themobtrix
Telegram: @themob3xdi https://www.instagram.com/themobtrix/?hl=ru