«Шетелдік студенттердің КАЗГЮУ-дағы өмірі»

Қымбатты студенттер, Халықаралық ынтымақтастық бөлімі “Шетелдік студенттердің КАЗГЮУ-дағы өмірі” айдарында шетелдік студенттермен таныстыруды жалғастыруда. Бүгін біз Ауғанстаннан (Кабулдан) келіп, “Қаржы” мамандығы бойынша білім алып жатқан 1-курс студенті Файезбен таныстырамыз.

  1. What was your first impression about KAZGUU University?

– When I first came here, I saw KAZGUU University’s building with very unique and classical style of architecture which looked very interesting to me.

  1. Could you please describe three main differences or similarities between Kazakhstan and your country?

– 1. The weather in Afghanistan is almost the same as in Kazakhstan: we also have four seasons.  But our winter is not as cold as it is in Astana.

– 2. We have similar food like Manto, Palo (plov), and we also have similarities in culture.  For example, before starting dinner, we wait for everyone to come.  However, there are some big differences between Kazakhstan and Afghanistan in terms of cultural dress and dance.

  1. You are one of the first international students to take part in the KAZGUU Student Initiation ceremony, and your school won a cup at Initiation.  How did you feel about that?  And what can you say about this event in general?

When I first decided to join this competition, I had no idea what it was about; I only knew that there would be a dance.  I have been interested in dancing since my school years, so that’s why I decided to join the competition.  It was very challenging for me because I didn’t know Russian, while everybody there was speaking Russian.  It was a great opportunity for me to improve my Russian, which really helped me!  But some of the 2nd-, 3rd-, and 4th-year students tried to help me and explained everything in English.  Not only did it help my language skills, but I also found some great friends there.  When we won the cup, I was feeling very happy.  I can’t explain the feeling – it was the results of two months’ hard work.  In general, all I can say is that it is a very interesting and exciting journey that helps first-year students to find friends and communicate with other people.  It makes the university environment more comfortable for new students.

  1. Was it hard for you to integrate into the Kazakhstani society?  Were you shocked by anything?

– It was not so easy for me to get used to the Kazakh society!  I was at first shocked to find that most people never smile here, everyone I see or try to have a conversation with, are always in bad mood!  Sometimes, they don’t want to even talk to you))  However, I don’t judge them because they might have their own problems).

  1. Do you have any favorite places in Astana?

– Sky beach club in Khan Shatyr.  Samal riverside is a very good place for jogging and hanging out, especially in summer.  And the Central park is also one of the places I find exciting.

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