KAZGUU held The Day of German Unity

The Day of German Unity (Tag der deutschen Einheit) – a national holiday in Germany. It is celebrated on the day of the successful official reunification of West and East Germany in October 3, 1990.
This year the Week of Germany in Kazakhstan was officially opened at KAZGUU University.
KAZGUU University held a number of events: September, 18 – KAZGUU delegation visited the Parliament of Germany, which introduced an internship program for students in the Bundestag.

September, 28 – October, 2 – German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) held a training seminar for teachers of German language from all over Kazakhstan.

October, 5 – German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and Ms. Sandra Ingelkofer held a presentation of programs where students can gain new information and ask questions.
October, 6 Ambassador of Germany in Kazakhstan Mr. Guido Herz visited KAZGUU University with the topic: “Kazakhstan and Germany. 25 years after the reunification of Germany”. Mr. Ambassador also answered questions and discussed with diplomats and students the current situation in Germany and Europe as a whole.

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