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The purpose of the Organization is to develop the diversity of personalities of the female half of the University of KAZGUU M.Narikbayev.

The organization’s activities are carried out in order to:

– expanding your horizons and worldview;
– acquisition of useful knowledge and skills in various spheres of life;
– maintaining the moral and spiritual values of each girl;
– correct use of free time;
– promotion of a healthy lifestyle;
– disclosure of talents and purpose in the life of each member of the organization;
– promoting patriotic, spiritual and moral education of girls.

What events do we hold?

• Lectures and webinars with successful personalities
• Creative and culinary master classes
• Workshops with a psychologist of the University
• Lady Book Club Meetings
• Various events for girls of the student house(karaoke&film events, creative games)
• Joint trips to theaters, exhibitions and movies
• Speaking club on various topics

Instagram: @light.kazguu