KazGUU russian & Kazakh language courses
for foreigners

Professional language-training program with highly-qualified teachers will allow any foreign citizen to speak Kazakh or Russian in just 6 months.


The courses are designed to develop the linguistic and communicative competence of foreign students and citizens in various situations

The levels are from the beginner to advanced. Visa support is provided for foreign citizens. Upon course completion, the certificate will be issued

The course program consists of 2 modules of 150 hours each, which includes grammar, phonetics, reading and writing skills, as well as vocabulary

During the program study, students get acquainted with the history, culture, economics and politics of Kazakhstan

1 stage

Entrance exam is conducted to identify your level. Right after that, the program will be adapted to strengthen your weaknesses and fill in the gaps in knowledge. The course starts with basic elements to make a smooth transition to more complex topics

2 stage

When fundamentals of the language are acquired, you may continue with more complex structures. Kazakh/Russian languages are difficult to master. Even if you have some background knowledge, there is always something you might miss out

3 stage

A this stage, you employ all the skills required to speak the language. Reading might not be difficult, however writing is always challenging. Keep going!

4 stage

Language is not only about grammar and vocabulary. It has cultural features, which are integral part of any langzage. Learn some history and literature of the language. It is very important

5 stage

Practice, practice and practice. That’s what learning a language is. The more you speak, write, read and listen, the more proficient you become. We have a very wide selection of tests, exams and quizzes that check your knowledge from different angles

6 stage

When you feel you are confident in a language and ready to challenge yourself, let us know. We test you with a complex examination. The certificate confirming your level of Kazakh/Russian languages is issued as you demonstrate the capacity to apply language in different situations. Well done!


Dauletbayeva Altynzer Duysenovna

A graduate of Lomonosov Moscow State University

Aydos Myrzabek

A graduate of Leicester University

Gulzat Alimbayeva

A graduate of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Mukan Dina Sabitovna

Senior lecturer. A graduate of Moscow State University

Smotrina Kristina Alexandrovna

Senior lecturer. A graduate of Lomonosov Moscow State University

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