We say goodbye to you!

It should be his 53rd unfortunately not happy birthday.

Omirbay S. Kystaubai, PhD, professor of the M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University has passed away on January 4th of 2019. He was the Example of serving the Motherland and his beloved University. Over the years, he held posts of Vice-provost for Educational, Methodical and Scientific work, headed a faculty of Justice and Justice bodies, was a director of the Graduate School of International Law and International Relations, and untill January 4th worked as an Academic secretary.

Mr. Kystaubai was born in a small village and achieved a lot due to his inner intelligence and smartness.

In 2011, our dearest Professor Kystaubai was recognized as the best assistant professor by the Educational-Methodical section of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic. He made a huge contribution tothe Country’s qualified personnel training.

The University staff is deeply saddened and expresses its sincere condolences to the family and relatives for this untimely and heavy loss.

We grieve with you. Colleagues and friends

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