Kazakhstani University cooperates with an European university

M. Narikbayev KAZGUU and Halle-Wittenberg University of Germany signed a Memorandum of Cooperation. Now Kazakhstani students have a very good chance to get not only International Academic experience, but also to become an owner of two diploma during a period of study under the Master’s and Phd programs.

Halle-Wittenberg University named after Martin Luther is one of the oldest universities and has a long history since 1502. The University is famous for a fact that many famous historical figures such as Martin Luther, Giordano Bruno, Christian Tomasius taught in it. In 2018, the MLU Law School was ranked among the top three in Germany by CHE (Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung) rating.

During a working meeting Mr. Talgat Narikbayev, the provost of the KAZGUU University presented main directions of Wcademic freedom development in Kazakhstan to Mr. Christian Titya, the rector of MLU and other German colleagues.

Mr. Sergey Pen, the Director of the KAZGUU Law School mentioned that KAZGUU and MLU launched a project to create a Center for Comparative Law and started to closely work for a number of other types of academic cooperation development.

Great potential in harmonization of Educational programs content is provided by a Program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and it’s “Dluble-degree education” program. In a world practice, the Double-degree program has been developed with an aim of shaping an International vision for graduates and their successful promotion on a labor market.

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