Online webinar «International Expert Talk: Leadership Practices and Digital Age»

Have you heard about the flow? If you didn’t hear about it, you had definitely experienced it. It’s a state of concentration when you don’t pay attention on anything that disturbs you. Is it possible to make everyone at the workplace to be in the flow?

If you want to know the answer, we invite to you to our free webinar with prof. Zoltan Buzady. A Hungarian who grew up in Germany, Zoltan earned his first degree in Law at the London School of Economics (UK). His practice orientation and strong interest in the real dilemmas of people management prompted him to complete a Global MBA at CASS Business School (UK). After the fall of the Iron Curtain, he returned to Hungary to earn a Ph.D., focusing on the strategic challenges in transition economies. Parallel to his academic work, his hobby to meet people and develop new, forward-looking management concepts and leadership development solutions.

His current research focuses on Leadership and Flow Theory, combining it with Self-Development and Change Management ideas, aiming to further Leadership Development that is applicable in different cultural and situational contexts. These new insights can be ideally used for Talent Management and Staffing Strategies based on modern big-data and predictive HR analysis.
Join our webinar to learn about:
– How modern leadership challenges the management
– How to create a flow
– How to increase psychological capital
– How to utilize digital technologies

Date 22nd of April
Time 15:00-16:00
Language: English
Number of participants is limited.
Registration is required.
Registration link

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