
Dear website users, we are pleased to present a new column "SPOTLIGHT INTERVIEW" in which we plan to regularly acquaint you with successful graduates, faculty and chief executives of KAZGUU University. Also a guest of the column can be each of you, if you are among the alma mater of activists, author of interesting projects aimed at achieving personal and team success in the professional field and in general, the popularization of KAZGUU University.

Dear Students!

Please follow these steps:
1. Select a university. Check out their website, the list of subjects. Ask your advisor to help you decide if any of these universities match your curriculum at KAZGUU.
2. Notify your parents.
3. Fill in the form and collect all the required documents.
4. If you have any further questions, please contact the International Office via e-mail

Below you can see the list of partner universities for the spring semester 2021 where you can get an Erasmus + scholarship: GPA 3.0 and above, B2 English level, strong motivation; you receive a monthly scholarship (600-800 euros / month). Students of all majors can participate; check the university websites and their curricula.

1. European Humanities University –1 student.

2. University of Córdoba, Spain – 1 student;

3. University of Dunaújváros, Hungary – 2 students.

Below you can see the list of partner universities for the spring semester 2021. All students are eligible to participate, but all the costs are covered independently (round trip, accommodation for the whole semester, visa fee, insurance, meals and personal expenses):
Faculty of Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow – 5 students;
University of Jaen, Jaen – Translation Studies, Business and Management – 5 students.
Rhein Waal Hochschule, Kleve – Law (2 students);
Hof University, Hof – Business and Management, IT (3 or more students)
European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) – Economics (2 students);
Czech Republic:
Mendel University, Brno – International Law, Economics, Tourism – 3-4 students;
Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague – Law – 1 student (online);
Bologna University, Bologna – International Law – 1-2 students;
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University – Tourism, Psychology – 2 students;
Eligibility criteria: depends on the university, but in general 2nd-3rd year students, GPA – 2.5, B2 English level.

Deadline for applications: October 23, 2020.
Please bring the completed documents on paper and in electronic format to office 222. To submit documents to the International Office, you should register in advance using the following link:
After submitting the documents to the International Office, you should register an application for participation in the competition for academic mobility on the PSC website by the link before the expiration date.

You can see the list of required documents below:
– Student application form – do not forget to sign it in the Dean’s office (the form is attached);
– Application form of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan (form in the attachment);
– 2 photos 3×4.
– Parents’ permission to participate in the academic mobility program (a copy is enough to participate in the competition, the original will need to be brought after the selection) (the form is attached);

– Transcript in two languages – order at the Public Service Center.
– A copy of your ID and passport.
– Two letters of recommendation in a free form – from current teachers, or from those teachers who know you well – from the last semester, scientific advisors, etc.
– Application to the PSC (form in the attachment);
– copies of diplomas, certificates in the chosen field of study, received for participation in an event of the republican or international level (if any);
– copies of documents confirming the fact of belonging to the following categories of persons, if any: a certificate of family members to confirm the multi-child parenting, a certificate confirming the student’s absence of parents (for the category of students, related to orphans or students left without parental care), a certificate confirming the student’s disability.
Students who were nominated for the Fall 2020 semester and confirmed the mobility transfer were automatically qualified for the Spring 2021 competition.
Note: we remind you that there is a possibility that academic mobility will be suspended for the spring semester 2021 if the situation with the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) worsens and under the relevant orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Анкета гражданина Республики Казахстан, выезжающего на обучение за рубеж

Форма согласия родителей

Заявление студента по форме

Заявление в ЦОН

The lecture will be based on work of Alasdair MacIntyre, a Scottish philosopher and one of the great moral thinkers of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. MacIntyre is well known for reintroducing Aristotelian ethics and politics into mainstream philosophy and for emphasizing the role of history in philosophical theorizing. During the lecture we will try to apply philosophical ideas to answer the practical question “Why am I here?”

Dr. Philip Enns is the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. Dr. Enns teaches in the areas of Epistemology, Religion and Democracy, and Philosophy of Language. His research is focused broadly on epistemological issues surrounding the role of beliefs and reasons in public life. He also has research interests in a number of different philosophers including Kant, Wittgenstein, Habermas and Donald Davidson, Al Farabi, Ibn Sina and Al Ghazali.

Department of Liberal Studies is pleased to invite you to attend the fascinating lecture of the practicing philosopher Dr. Philip Enns on topic “Why am I here?”

Lecture will be held in English only

Date: October 15

Time: 13:30

Venue: M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University, room 402

Address: Kazakhstan, Astana, Korgalzhyn highway, 8

Registration link:

Dear colleagues and students!

M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University would like to invite you to join us at a guest lecture by
japanese professor Ken Inoue. The lecture is titled  «For necessary specific suicide prevention measures from various fields in Kazakhstan: Based on the golden researches in the world including studies of our group».

It is common knowledge that among the 20 countries with the world’s highest suicide rates, Japan ranks sixth overall,  however, the suicide rate has declined over the past few years. According to WHO reports, Kazakhstan has the thirteenth highest suicide rate overall.

This time’s lecture will look at effective measures for suicide prevention in Kazakhstan from various perspectives. These perspectives include studies on suicide in Japan and elsewhere around the world. Will be proposed effective measures to prevent suicide in Kazakhstan and research methodologies, based on statistics and past studies,

To register please follow the link for a Guest Lecture below:

Date: 8 October 2019

Time: 11 am

Venue: Nur-Sultan, M.Narikbayev KAZGUU University, Korgalzhyn highway 8, 403

ADDRESS: 8 Korghalzhyn Highway, Nur – Sultan, Kazakhstan

Within the framework of the “Year of Youth” program, an official presentation of the “Adal Bolashak” project has been held at M.Narikbayev KAZGUU University, where high-quality education has been determined as one of the key factors.

The “Adal Bolashak” project has put together the administration and representatives of all the university departments into one platform, thereby expanding the opportunities for students.

The opening ceremony was attended by Baurzhan Baibek, the deputy chairman of the “Nur Otan” party, Bibigul Asylova, the vice minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Talgat Narikbayev, Rector of M.Narikbayev KAZGUU University as well as the representatives of the education sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the academic teaching staff of the university. Baurzhan Baibek delivered his welcoming speech to students and shared his life stance regarding hard work and his intolerance to all manifestations of corruption. He also wished success in their studies and achievements of their goals.

During the event, the “SmartKAZGUU” mobile application has been presented, which will optimize the business process online, increasing the quality, speed and transparency of services for students.

English Language Department at M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University is happy to announce that the registration for summer language courses is now open!

This summer we are offering you a range of courses:

· Pre-IELTS – an intensive 5-week course to boost your level of English incorporated with General English;

· IELTS – an intensive 4-week IELTS preparation course;

· KEPT – an intensive 3-week preparation course for KAZGUU English Placement Test;

Price: 50400 tenge for 72 hours (1 hour/700 tenge)

Start: 29 July

We are also offering an intensive 4-week course to prepare for TOLES (Test of Legal English Skills).

TOLES is the world’s leading provider of English exams for international lawyers and law students. M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University is the only TOLES Authorized Registration Centre in Central Asia.

Price: 48000 tenge for 48 hours

You can register via

For more details, please, contact Dinara Dauletbayeva 87756556573.

M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University jointly with the Embassy of Portugal and the Delegation of the European Union to Kazakhstan invites volunteers to assist at the celebration of National Day of Portugal and Europe Day 2019.

On June 7th, 2019 the Embassy of Portugal and the Delegation of the European Union to Kazakhstan jointly with M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University will celebrate the National Day of Portugal and Europe Day 2019, where you can enjoy the blending of Traditional Kazakh Music and Portuguese Fado. Fado is a Portuguese musical genre, which is performed solo, by a man or a woman accompanied by Portuguese or classical guitar (sometimes two guitars).

Volunteers will assist in greeting the distinguished guests. All volunteers will receive the Certificate of Appreciation from KAZGUU International Office.

Please follow the link to register:

Venue: The First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Conference Hall.
Address: 8, Korgalzhyn Highway, M.Narikbayev KAZGUU University, Nur-Sultan
Date: June 7, 2019
Time: 19:00.

Dear Сolleagues,

The Embassy of Portugal and the Delegation of the European Union to Kazakhstan jointly with M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University are pleased to invite you to the celebration of the National Day of Portugal and Europe Day 2019, where you can enjoy the blending of Traditional Kazakh Music and Portuguese Fado.

Fado is a Portuguese musical genre, which is performed solo, by a man or a woman accompanied by Portuguese or classical guitar (sometimes two guitars).

To register please follow:

Venue: The First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Conference Hall.
Address: 8, Korgalzhyn Highway, M.Narikbayev KAZGUU University, Nur-Sultan
Date: June 7, 2019
Time: 19:00.

On May 27th, 2019 KAZGUU University jointly with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany and the DAAD celebrated the 70th anniversary of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany. Within the framework of the event H.E. Ambassador Dr. Tilo Klinnerdelivered his guest lecture on Indirect Horizontal Effect of the Basic Rights.

The Lecturer in Law at KAZGUU University, Mr. Michael Wilding who has been teaching from September 2018 devoted his speech on the History of the Constitution. In addition, a Legal Trainee of the German Embassy Mr. Philipp Elixmann conducted a quiz on The 70th anniversary of the German Constitution and the participants who successfully responded to the questions were awarded with prizes.

M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University is proud of the long-term relationship with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germanyand the DAAD. Since 2007, the DAAD has invited lecturers of German and European Law to teach at KAZGUU University andoffered different kinds of scholarships for our students. Last year M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University in cooperation with the DAAD heldthe DIKAIOSYNE Summer School on Comparative Constitutional Law.

We believe that this memorable event will enrich the ties of friendship and cooperation that KAZGUU University has achieved with theGerman Embassy and the DAAD and contribute to further strong relationships between our two countries.

M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University in the lead-up to the Day of Victims of Political Repressions and Hunger has host a scientific seminar on “Authenticity, Interpretation, and Ideology: an example of GULAG tourism in Kazakhstan”

As a part of the Seminar Dr. Giyim Tibergien from Glasgow university and Prof. John J. Lennon from Glasgow-Kaledonia University (Great Britain) as key speakers introduced results of their research which they did in KARLAG and ALSHIR museums in 2018. Also they gave their recommendations how to develop these historical sites.

The presentation gave an understanding of how memory places of GULAG’s authenticity and ideology important and how it affects tourism in Kazakhstan in general.

Dear students! We are glad to invite you to the Human Rights and Cybersecurity Summer school, which will be organized by the M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University together with the OSCE office in Nur-Sultan from 8 to 12 of July, 2019.

Summer school will be devoted to issues of Human rights in informatics and development of digital technologies. Thus students will study issues of personal life, honour and dignity security in context of digital tools. Additionally main issues of state guarantees for protection of information security, some of technical aspects of digitalization, as well as. other topical issues are pertinent for learning.

Students of 3rd year of study of Law majors and young scholars under the 29 from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia are welcomed to participate in the Summer school. Travel, accomodation, meal expenses as well as training programs and master classes are covered by hosting party.

Also Summer school includes entertainment program to its schedule.
The Summer school’s address is Nur-Sultan city, 8 Korgalzhyn highway.
The School invites up to 6 foreign participants, up to 6 participants from Kazakhstan and maximum 12 participants from the Nur-Sultan city.

To be able to participate you need to send us a motivation letter (max 800 words) with contact details (phone number, e-mail), short CV and information of your main achievements. All the mentioned information should be sent to before June 20, 2019.
Selection will be made by organizers no later than June 24th.

As a part of Europe Day celebration the Delegation of the European Union to Kazakhstan plans to hold #Skills4Jobs, an event dedicated to the development of leadership skills and skills among young people.

This event is an extended format of Ambassadors ’Café, where KAZGUU students participate from time to time.

This year’s program is rich and includes a welcoming speech by Mr. Sven-Olov Karlsson, the EU Ambassador, a panel session with well-known Kazakhstani public figures who will share their success storiea, Ambassadors’ Café (informal discussion of ambassadors from EU member states and youth), and also of the Erasmus + program presentation of educational opportunities in Europe (see the program below).

We invite all interested KAZGUU students, young teachers, undergraduates or doctoral students who are fluent in English to take part at the Event.

Time: May 21, 2019, 11.00-15.00

Place: 5, Dostyq are, IQ Coworking

Dear All, M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University jointly with the Embassy of Republic of Azerbaijan cordially invite you to attend the lecture of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan MAMMADOV RASHAD EYNADDIN OGLY.

Entitled: The 100th Anniversary of the Diplomatic Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan-Kazakhstan Relations.

It promises to be am interesting discussion with a movie «Last session».

DATE: May 21th, 2019
TIME: 12 pm
VENUE: M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University, Room 403
ADDRESS: 8 Korghalzhyn Highway, Nur – Sultan, Kazakhstan

All are more than welcome to attend.

The registration will be closed on May 20th, 2019 at 12 am.

To register please follow the link for a Guest Lecture below:

Application guidelines:

Narikbayev KAZGUU University announces the competition for M. Narikbayev Scholarship for international students.

KAZGUU University offers 9 scholarships for Undergraduate International Students to the following programs:

Jurisprudence, International Law, Law Enforcement, Economics, Management, Tourism, Finance, Accounting and Auditing, Translation studies, Psychology, Marketing, Hospitality management, HR management, Entrepreneurship, IT in Business, Business psychology.

Narikbayev Scholarships are awarded to the international students, who were selected by the Admission Academic Committee.

In order to obtain the scholarship candidates must submit:

  • for Higher School of Economics:

Motivation essay (“Why do you want to study at KAZGUU and why should we accept you?”)

CV (personal data, education, achievements, level of language, skills); 

  • for KAZGUU Law School:
  • Essay on “Ratio of concepts of law and justice” (min 200 words). Please use the IRAC structure (issue-rule-applicability-conclusion) method;
  • CV (personal data, education, achievements, level of language, skills); 

Please send Essay and CV to the following email: by June 30th 2019.

The Admission Academic Committee will announce the winners for M. Narikbayev Scholarship on August 1st, 2019.

For more information please follow or contact us at

As a part of the XII Astana Economic forum international experts, Bernhard Harms award laureates, Kenneth Rogoff, Professor of Economics at Harvard University, Chief Economist at the International Monetary Fund (2001-2003) and Maurice Obstfeld, Professor of Economics at the University of California at Berkeley, Chief Economist International Monetary Fund (2015-2018) will deliver a lecture on “The Future of Globalization” to students and teachers of KAZGUU University.

It is a very unique opportunity to personally meet such international experts and discuss global economic trends.

The lecture will be free of charge and will take place in a room 403 of the M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University on May 17, 2019 at 18.00.

Dear Students and Graduates! You have a unique opportunity to receive DAAD scholarship to obtain Master degree in German at Andrassy German University in Budapest (AUB).

Andrassy University in Budapest is European University opened in 2001 by Hungary, Austria, Sweden and Germany.

Languag of study at AUB is German and all candidates should have a certain level of German.

Now AUB has about 220 students and 50 teachers from allover the world.

This scholarship gives opportunity to foreign graduates from non-EU countries to obtain MS degree at AUB in following areas:

– Master of International Economics and Business

– Master of International relations

-Master in “Management and Leadership”

– Master in “History of Central Europe”

– Diplomacy – Master in “Central European Studies”

– Comparative state and legal studies

– Master of European and International management

More information can be found at:

DAAD provides monthly stipend as 800 € . Information of all conditions can be found at:

Dear All, M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University jointly with the Embassy of Palestine would like to invite you to join us at a Special Guest Lecture by H.E. DR. MONTASER ABU ZAID, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Palestine to the Republic of Kazakhstan. The lecture is titled Seventy-First Anniversary of the An-Nakba – “Palestinian Tragedy”. It promises to be am interesting discussion with a 15-minute movie.

DATE: May 15th, 2019
TIME: 12 pm
VENUE: M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University, Room 403
ADDRESS: 8 Korghalzhyn Highway, Nur – Sultan, Kazakhstan

All are more than welcome to attend.

All participants will be awarded the Certificate of Participation.

The registration will be closed on May 13th, 2019 at 12 am.

To register please follow the link for a Guest Lecture below:

The Department of Student Affairs, together with the Center for History of Kazakhstan and Ruhani Zangyru announces registration for Summer tourist excursions in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Western European countries for students, teachers and employees of KAZGUU and other Kazakhstan universities.

Participation in mentioned trips for freshmen would be count as a field trip.

We invite you to take part in annual trips to important historical sites of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Western Europe. Trips are made for students, teachers and staff of KAZGUU and other Kazakhstan universities and will last from May 26 to June 6 of 2019.

Registration is available before May 18, 2019 on the following link.

Travel itinerary:

1. South Tour (South Kazakhstan):
Visits to Ahmed Yassaui, Karakhan, Aisha-Bibi, Babadjanyan Hatun, Tekturmas and Arystanbab mausoleums; Kerey and Janibek khans’ monument, Flower greenhouse, Mashat Valley, Crying Cave, 550 years of Kazakh khanate Park, Arboretum, Kiely tas, Ordabasy and Mausoleum.
Cost 40 000 tenge.

2. Beket Ata Tour (West Kazakhstan):
Visits to architectural monument h Beket ata Mosque, Karagie Trench, Caspian sea coast and many other sites of Mangistau.
Cost 55 000 tenge.

3. Magic East Tour (Uzbekistan):

We invite you to visit Uzbekistan at the most favorable time of year for tourism. The country will bloom in front of you with all the colors of sunny spring. Visits to the Hast-i-Imam Square, Amir Timur Square, Tole Bi Mausoleum, Guri-Emir Mausoleum, Bibi-Khanum Mosque and Ulugbek Madrasah, Registan Square and many other grate sites will amaze you.
Cost 70 000 tenge. A group of minimum 3 people.

4. Euro Tour (Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and France):

Visits to Frankfurt am main, Dusseldorf, Paris, Amsterdam and Brussels, the most important political and economical centers of Europe. Also European Parliament, European Court of Human rights, Eiffel tower, Mercedes Benz factory, etc. Europe is waiting for you.
Cost 1800 Euro. A group of minimum 7 people.

Organizers reserv the right to change some conditions.

Finally, we are here to open up a registration to a legendary Challenge Cup Kazakhstan 2019, the case championship! Students and graduates should take part in it and obtain an experience of business cases solving and of course good networking.

The Case championship is a competition where for two weeks you will be put in to real work conditions by us together with Leroy Merlin, Sberbank, Accenture, EY and PepsiCo
You’ll upgrade your analytical skills, team working, way of thinking, skills of presentation, and also will have an opportunity to try yourself in different areas and at the end receive your job offer.

Ready to become better? Then register now following this link :

Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to participate in the 4th Annual Conference on Academic Integrity “Best Practices in Promoting and Implementing Academic Integrity: Global and Regional Perspectives” to be held on May 16, 2019 in Nur-Sultan. The event is organized by M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University Higher School of Economics and Nazarbayev University.

Venue: M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University, The First President Conference Hall.

The Conference aims to share best practices, raise issues, and promote recent developments in theoretical and empirical research on academic integrity.

We propose to discuss the following topics:
– Innovative institutional practices in academic integrity;
– Case studies of integrity – positive and negative experiences and lessons learned;
– Creating a culture of academic integrity / change management;
– Evidence based approaches to reinforce research integrity;
– Students as leaders of academic integrity initiatives;
– Innovative assessment, including online assessment, to enhance integrity;
– University and community systems to reinforce strong integrity practices;
– International benchmarks in research integrity;
– Consequences of poor academic and research integrity;
– Obstacles and paths forward in the journey towards academic integrity;
– Electronic and digital resources – benefits and limitations;
– What does success look like? Concepts of an ideal academic integrity ecosystem;
– Academic integrity collaborations between universities and other institutions.

Detailed information is available on the Conference web site

Registration will resume by may 10 th, 2019.

We look forward to your confirmed presence at the Conference.

On April 22 – 26, 2019, M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University will host the South African Week!
M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University is actively cooperating with the Embassy of South Africa in Kazakhstan and hopes that this week will allow students and staff to learn more about this amazing country and its outstanding people!

Some facts about South Africa:
The population of South Africa is about 50 million people. The country has 11 official languages, including English, Zulu, Afrikaans and others.
It is worth saying that South Africa is a region with the world tourism attractions. The African wildlife sanctuaries attract by its unusual colors and diversity of wildlife that are a part of the World Cultural heritage.

Agenda for the Week:
1. Books’ Exhibition on cultural heritage and history of South Africa, which will be held at Maxut S. Narikbayev library.
2. Paintings’ Exhibition (in the hall on the 2nd floor)
3. Online contest on knowledge of facts about the history and culture of South Africa. According to the results of the competition winners will be announced and awarded with prizes. (Please, follow the news in social networks).

Also during the week you can plunge into the atmosphere and get acquainted with the musical heritage of South Africa.

The celebration of Freedom Day and 25 Years since the Inauguration of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, the First President of Democratic South Africa will be held in the Conference Hall of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 11:00 to 13:00 on April 26, 2019.

On April 18-19, 2019, KAZGUU Kazakh and Russian languages Department together with the Center for Creative Training of Kazakh will hold “The best methods of creative teaching of the Kazakh language” Republican contest among teachers and teaching staff of schools, colleges and universities.

43 experienced teachers from educational institutions of Shymkent, Almaty, Taldykorgan, Semey, Petropavlovsk, Pavlodar, Kostanay, Kokshetau, Karaganda, Uralsk cities will take part in the Contest.

Winners of the Contest will be declared in the following nominations: “Best Essay”, “Best Methodist”, “Creative Teacher”, “Innovator Teacher”, “Best Video”, “Teacher Brand”, “Good Word – Half of Work” and will be awarded diplomas of various degrees and valuable gifts.

Sponsors of the Competition are: the Committee on Languages ​​of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, named after Sh. Shayakhmetov the “Til-Qazyna” National center, the Office for Languages ​​and Archival Affairs Development of the city of Nur-Sultan, the Foundation for a State Language Development.

Dear students, faculty and staff members

We are pleased to invite you to the “Implications of Education Towards IR4.0 for Future Employment” Guest Lecture by Dr. Ir Vinesh Thiruchelvam, Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, Malaysia.

Guest Lecture

Dr. Ir Vinesh Thiruchelvam, Professor at Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU / APIIT) CV

Talk Title:

Implications of Education Towards IR4.0 for Future Employment

Time: 4:30 pm

Date: April 17th, 2019

Venue: 403
Talk Synopsis

Industrial Revolution (IR4.0) is a core ingredient towards economic growth for the new millennial. Jobs within the areas fo IR4.0 have become more in demand as technology enhancements play a vital role in efficient business development models that cover various industries. The presentation cover what is IR4.0, the mainstream of subject matter (the know-how), how the industry is shaping itself, new trends in the market that are ever evolving and the requirements of graduates towards captivating jobs of the future.


We have a great news friends!
From April 1 Generation Next starts new art contest for GN Editor, GN Journalist and GN Blogger titles!!!

Do you like to write essays, keep your blog active, interestingly set out thoughts in writing or have you always dreamed of becoming a journalist or a magazine editor?

Than this contest is for you!

It’s simple: write and receive gifts!

To win the GN Editor nomination, you need to:

– write at least 5 unique opinion pieces on any topic that will be positive, useful, interesting for young people.

To win the GN Journalist nomination, you need:

– find at least 5 news items on any topic that will be positive, useful, interesting for young people and write it on your own as you can. Be sure to specify a source of information.


! Articles must be at least 500 words and be accompanied by a thematic picture. You can write it in Kazakh, Russian or English. The text will be checked for plagiarism.

! Materials should be sent to from April 1 – to April 29. Results of the Contest will be announced on April 30 and could be found on and @gn_news in Instagram.

Winners in these categories will receive certificates in amount of 30 000 tenge to “The House of Rafe” new French restaurant

We will post the best articles and news in 5th edition of the “Generation Next” magazine, as well as on our portal.


The most active “GN Blogger”, who day by day for 1 month would publish his USEFUL, POSITIVE, INTERESTING and MOTIVATING posts on the portal will receive a certificate worth 40,000 tenge with an opportunity to try “The House of Rafe” restaurant’s cuisine!

Friends, we are waiting for your articles, be active and believe, Victory is here!

business-english1Dear friends!

We are happy to inform you that the third session of the English Language Department Insessional course is going to be held on the 15th of February at 17.00, room 432. The topic of the workshop is Business English which includes the following sessions: Effective public speaking skills and Social Media and Communication.

If you want to work in the international arena and communicate with foreign experts in the chosen profession, it is critically important for you to know Business English and this is not only the ability to speak English. Having completed this workshop, you will learn how to properly use a social media platform to market yourself or your business. Also, you will learn tips on how to improve public speaking skills to inspire the audience and the ways to overcome speech anxiety.

Here is the link you can use to register for the workshops.

Айлтс1Department of English invites you to participate in its free “Effective methods and life hacks in Reading and Listening” IELTS workshop.

When: 31.01.2019, at 17:00

Where: M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University, “Hall of three biys”, room 402

Link for registration to the workshop.

Contact number: +77025307111

Turkey1(сайт)The ambassador of Turkey in Kazakhstan Nevzat Uyanık will give an open lecture on a topic — Turkey’s enterprising and humanitarian foreign policy. The lecture will take place on November 29, 14:30, room 403. Feel free to participate.

Austria1(сайт)We invite you to participate in an open lecture, which will take place on November 30, at 11:40, room 403. The ambassador of Austria Dr. Gerhald Sailler will give a speech on a topic -Vienna — the city of spies?

IYLF 2018From December 10 to 12, 2018 M. Narikbayev KAZGUU University with a support of the OSCE Program Office in Astana and the Soros-Kazakhstan Foundation, will host the IV International Youth Legal Forum. The Forum will be dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Forum will be held in a format of competitive discussion, and a theme of it is “Human rights and contemporary challenges to national security”.

The Forum has the following structure: Day 1 – Discussion club with Kazakhstan’s and foreign leading experts in the field of Human Rights protection; Day 2 – Competition part by sections with defining finalists; Dat 3 – the final of the Competition part, awarding ceremony. Students should present their reports during following sections: A) Civil human rights; B) Political human rights; C) Social human rights; D) Cultural and economic human rights.

Filling registration form student should select where he or she intends to participate. At the end of the Forum, students taken 1, 2 and 3 places will receive a cash reward.

Bachelor students from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Azerbaijan are invited to participate in the Forum.

Full-time part of the Forum will be represented by 32 students, of whom: 8 from Kazakhstan cities (besides Astana) and 8 from abroad. All foreign and non-resident teams are paid travel expenses, as well as accommodation in Astana.

Registration is carried out until October 31 (inclusive). Selection criterias as follows: a GPA score and a motivation letter indicating the section, topic of a report, a summary of the general ideas of the report and reasons for participating in the Forum.

Registration link.

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On November 29 KAZGUU Academic Diplomatic Club hosted a guest lecture of the Ambassadors of ASEAN countries “ASEAN 50 years of community building: progress and challenges”. KAZGUU students and faculty were honored to see the presentations of H.E. Mr. Rahmat Pramono, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia, H.E. Mr. Syed Mohamad Bakri, Ambassador of Malaysia and H.E. Mr. Nat Pinyowattanacheep, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand.


KAZGUU University Admissions Committee started its work on 1 June. Prospective students can submit their applications until 25 August.

The Admissions Committee is located at the following address:

Korgaldzhin Highway 8

Winter garden, 2nd floor

+7 (778) 749-73-69

+7 (7172) 64-26-21


On 3 June, between 10.00 and 17.00, in room 517, KAZGUU will host the Business Talks Forum.

The participants of the forum are representatives of Kazakhstan’s leading companies. There will be three sections:

Social Development


HR Development


On 31 May 2017, at 17.00, in the Tenge Hall (room 428), an ceremony will be held where certificates will be awarded to the most active attendees of the Leadership Development Programme and to the students who have successfully completed an additional specialisation programme (Minor).


On 7 June, at 18.00, at the Themis’s Square at KAZGUU University, there will be an official graduation ceremony for the class of 2017. The event will include a traditional procession of the graduates; burying the ‘wish capsule’; and a concert of Kazakhstani pop starts.


From 28 to 30 May, KAZGUU University students will be evolved in a project on ‘modernising the public consciousness’, which will also include Astana secondary school students.

As part of this project, there will be a lot of interaction with the students who are also members of the families of KAZGUU teaching staff.

The organisers of the event believe that the games, discussions, and outdoor activities that are planned for this project will have a positive impact on building the young generation’s values.



On 12 May, at 9.00, room 517 (Conference Hall), KAZGUU will host the international conference “Building Cultural Bridges: Applied sociolinguistics and issues of language teaching”, dedicated to effective language teaching methods.

The conference will be attended by renowned linguists from all over the world. Entrance to the event is free of charge.


On 6 May, at 15.15, the students and officers of the Military Training Department of KAZGUU University will place a wreath on the monument to Baurzhan Momyshuly, hero of the Great Patriotic War and combatant in the Moscow Battle.

The students of the Military Training Department hold annual events dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland’s Day. This year the 200 KAZGUU students will take part in th memory walk.


On 12 May, KAZGUU will host a guest lecture by Dr. Guilaume Finck, DBA, Professor and Provost of UBIS, titled “Prospective Economics”. The lecture will be held in room 403, at 15.00 for students and 19.30 for all other interested parties. The speaker is an active expert in the field of business strategies. The event is organised by KAZGUU Business School.

KAZGUU Business School is the exclusive representative of UBIS (University of Business and International Studies, Switzerland) in Central Asia. The collaboration is based on the memorandum signed by the universities in April 2014.


On 5 May, from 14.00 to, school #2 of the Ilyinka township will host the final club concert titled ‘Share your happiness’. the event is organised by KAZGUU Higher School of General Education Disciplines.

Ilyinka’s secondary school students will take part in the event.


On 19 and 20 May 2017, KAZGUU will host the II Conference on the issues of academic integrity in the context of university governance.

The event is organised by KAZGUU Higher School of Economics and Nazarbayev University.

The aim of the conference is to create a platform for researchers and practitioners to exchange their experience, discuss best international practices, and conceptualise new strategies for developing academic integrity.


As part of the Labour Law course, KAZGUU Graduate School organises a guest lecture titled “Practical aspects of applying labour law to foreign workers”, which will take place on 3 May 2017, in room 432, between 20.20 and 21.50.

The lecture will be given by Gaukhar Akina, LLM (International Business and Commercial Law) from the University of Manchester, expert in corporate and labour issues in the law firm GRATA.

More detailed information is available from the Postgraduate Department (room 213a, tel. No. 70 33 32).


On 2 May 2017, at 16.00, room 517, KAZGUU will host an event devoted to the 72 anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, titled NOONE IS FORGOTTEN, NOTHING IS FORGOTTEN!

To commemorate those who perished in the Great Patriotic War, KAZGUU students will perform short plays, recite poems, and sing songs about the war.


Dear students and teachers,

KAZGUU University and the Embassy of Finland in Astana invite you to attend the guest lecture of Dr. P. Halberg, Emeritus President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland on “Rule of Law and Sustainable Development”.

Date: 12 May, 2017 at 14:00.

Venue: KAZGUU University, room 402.

After lecture, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Finland and Kazakhstan there will be ceremony of trees planting in front of KAZGUU campus.


On 29 April, at 10.00, the staff of KAZGUU University will take part in the citywide community cleanup day “Astana: a clean city”, initiated by the city administration.

As part of this event, it is planned to clean up the territory adjacent to KAZGUU along Korgaldzhin Highway, and to plant 50 trees.


KAZGUU University and RK NCE ‘Atameken’ Astana Business Women’s Council are proud to announce a competition in support of women’s entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan.

Competition stages:
1. Participants register at
2. First Stage is long-distance. Participants must prepare a video presentation of a start-up (7-10 min) and post it on KAZGUU Business School Facebook wall ( Participants whose posts collect the most likes will continue to the next stage.
3. Second stage is the Finals. Two winners will be selected by the competition jury.

1st prize – Scholarship to study MBA at KAZGUU Business School
2nd prize – Scholarship to study at any distance-learning programme at KAZGUU

Applications are accepted until 31 May 2017.


On 27 April 2017, at 11.00, in room 403, KAZGUU Higher School of Economics will host the Iran Day titled ‘Understanding Iran’. The event will be held with the support of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kazakhstan, and in collaboration with the guest professor from the University of Navarra (Spain), Matt Sheikhi, PhD Tourism Planning.

The aim of the event is to strengthen the collaboration between Iran and Kazakhstan, develop partnership and business based on the cultural likeness between the two countries.

The working language of the seminar is English.
For more information, contact
Raushan Mukhamedzhanova
+7 7172 703051, +7 778 9440421


April 27 is the start date of KAZGUU’s famous student trips to the cultural and historical centres of Kazakhstan.

This year, the plan is to tour around the southern part of the country, with visits to Taraz, Shimkent, and Turkestan.

On 22 April, at 10:00, in room 402, KAZGUU University will host the finals of the Case Championship CIMA Business Challenge Kazakhstan. Teams from KAZGUU HSE, Nazarbayev University, and KazUEFIT will take part.

CIMA is an organisation that provides one of the most widely recognised manager certifications. In Kazakhstan, it has launched a case championship CIMA Business Challenge Kazakhstan. The Championship is open to Business and Finance students of the leading universities in Kazakhstan.

In addition, special training seminars for finalists will be provided by Mars, PWC, and EY.

Put together a team, register before 12 March and take you career to a new level!

At April 21, 2017 at the KAZGUU University analytical discourse “Kazakh language: today and future” will take place with the participation of well-known politicians, lawyers, economists.

During the discourse it is planned to discuss the current state and future of the Kazakh language. Scientists of Nazarbayev University, teachers of KAZGUU University and other independent analysts will take part in the discussion.We invite all comers!

Time: 04/21/17 at 09:30 AM.
Venue: Hall # 402


KAZGUU University is extending the duration of its charitable action “Give warmth”, and will continue to provide the assistance to the members of a rural community in the capital region throughout January.

Students and teachers of the largest law school in the country have organised a fund-raiser to support the vulnerable citizens of the Karaotkel district of Astana region, an initiative proposed by T. Nurikbayev, the rector of the university.

The charitable action started on 15 November with a charity fair and concert at KAZGUU. The initiative has been supported by all the university staff, and the university’s partners. The funds raised through the action have been used to buy essential items for the residents of the rural district who are in need of help.


On 9-10 December of this year KAZGUU University will hold an  international youth legal forum which participants will discuss “The limits of freedom of discussion and information dissemination on the Internet.”  

The event will be organized by the Zimanov Academy of Fundamental and Applied Sciences jointly with the Higher School of Law of KAZGUU University  with the support of the OSCE Office in Astana.

To celebrate KAZGUU University’s First President’s birthday and an anniversary of the establishment of KAZGUU Endowment Corporate Fund, the staff and students of the university will take part in a new charity campaign titled “Do Good with KAZGUU”.

All those who wish to take part, can contribute food, clothes or books to economically challenged families before 1 March.  The list of families will be provided by Dinara, the PR manager in charge of the campaign, room 601.  Participants must take a photo or shoot a short video on a given subject and post it on social media with the hashtag #ТвориДобросКАЗГЮУ

The most active and involved participants will be awarded certificates, prizes, and presents on 30 March 2017.

We call on everyone to share their kindness with those who need it, together with KAZGUU!


In the first ten days of November of this year KAZGUU Business School and the International Organization TUV will sign an agreement on cooperation.

The partners plan the joint implementation of exclusive program mini-MBA Business-management, in the framework of which will be launched a certified project for training managers in accordance with the international ISO1724 standard.

Today KAZGUU University is the only university which has the international certificate of ISO standards in the field of teaching of business managers (human capital development).


On 8 November of this year a guest lecture by the Vice-President of Boxing Federation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, public figure, philanthropist, multi-billionaire Bauyrzhan Ospanov will be held in the events hall at 15.00.
Meeting with the students of KAZGUU will be dedicated to the theme: “Improving your personality”.


Presentation of the book “The Polemical Economy” will be held on 11 November at 15.20 pm in the Hall of Three Biys.
An author of the publication is a well-known politician A. Peruashev, chairman of the Democratic Party “Ak zhol”. Participants of the presentation will be able to get the book autographed.


On November 17 of this year, KAZGUU holds an annual traditional event “Matriculation.” As expected, within the framework of the most anticipated event of the student community it is planned to bring the results of the competition Themis KAZGUU. Traditionally, representatives of each School claim to be the face of the best university of the country.


On November 18, 2016 in KAZGUU University will be held the official ceremony of awarding diplomas to master studentsof the Business School in cooperation with UBIS University (Switzerland).

KAZGUU is the exclusive representative of UBIS University in Central Asia under the existing memorandum of cooperation signed by the partners in April 2014.

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Days of ethno-cultural centers will be held in the capital as part of the anniversary of the Independence of the Republic.

Organizers of the event are the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.

Let us recall, the main stage of the celebration starts 25 days before the Independence Day – from November 21 to December 15 and it marks the 25 greatest achievements of the country.


On November 23 of this year, in the course of the club “Talking about the main” will be held another meeting of faculty members and students to discuss topical issues in the public dialogue format.

As previously reported, “Talking about the main” is a new project of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and general studies, implemented with the aim of developing an equal relationship and formation of tandem “student-faculty”.


On 25th of December, 2016 at 13.00 (Three Biis Hall) Professor Jin-Hyun Paik, the Judge of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) is giving a lecture on topic «Recent Trends in International Adjudication and Dispute Settlement in Asia».

Since Professor Jin-Hyun Paik is also a President of Asian Society of International Law (ASIANSIL) and Professor of Seoul National University (SNU) he is a specialist in fields such as law of international organizations, international humanitarian law, as well as pacific settlement of international disputes. Professor is planning to share with his valuable practical experience in sphere of international dispute settlement and is going to speak about the peculiarities of international dispute settlement mechanism in general. Moreover, one of the aims of the visit to the KAZGUU University is to develop the academic and scientific cooperation with Asian Society of International Law and Seoul National University, as well as with the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea.
The students, master and Ph.D students and academic stuff of the KAZGUU University are welcome to take part in the given guest lecture.